The HAZ  Ministries

What starts in here will ...

                                                                    Caution!  Working with Hazardous materials can change your life...


The following people represent some of our mentors as well as some of the great pastors, evangelists, and worship leaders I have worked for and with over the last 15 years of our ministry.  I am grateful for the many relationships I have been privileged to establish by remembering the call is about people and service ... and what great stories I have because of that ... and what great relationships.


Pastor Gerald Simon

Senior Pastor-Grace Fellowship - (Licensing Organization)

Email:     Phone: 318 748 6776


Robert Kratzer

Senior Pastor-New Life Worship Center 

Web:     Phone: 337 855 6651


Pastor David Rodriguez

Senior Pastor-Christian Fellowship - (Mentor)

Email:     Phone: 504 347 4875


Glen and Marilyn Ford

Missionaries to Africa (Mentors)

Phone: 337 479 0376


Alfonso Orocio,  MAR, BCC

Healthcare Chaplain, San Antonio, Texas 

"Patrick is a sincere, enthusiastic, committed, dependable, and conscientious person and minister.  Having worked with Patrick in New Orleans on his worship team I know he has been given many spiritual gifts.  Pat resembles the heart of a charismatic worship leader for the Next Generation."


Corey Hicks

Senior Pastor, Evangelist, Musician - The Vine/Urban Reach

Web:     Phone: 504 239 8270


Ken McAnulty

Evangelist, Ministry Coach

Web:    Phone: 863 838 6109


Juan Gonzalez

Chancelor and Pastor - School of Urban Missions

Email:    Phone: 281 788 8828